L' ONORE PERDUTO DELL' ASSOLTO - DOI: 10.12818/P.0304-2340.2020v76p257


  • Fabrizio Ramacci Università degli Studi di Roma


Many are the cases in which the state apparatus present themselves in form of a bad administration or in a wrongful justice, that can affect the scope reserved to the protection of the private or the citizens.  For instance the over power, the unjustified delays, the baffled decisions happening in both areas - administration and justice. Some crimes stipulated at the Italian Criminal Code show a possibility of self defense of the private in relation to the public employee that practices arbitrary acts on the exercise of his duties. In cases of unfounded accusations followed by acquittal after a lawsuit, the recovery of a reputation that has been compromised becomes harder. The accused’s honor is put in jeopardy, not only by the legal process alone, but also by the press harassment following the case. This will be the theme studied in the present article.




